About Us

Meet the Owner

Natalie Cutshall

Hello, I am Natalie Cutshall, owner of Firefly Bungee Fitness! I am a CBus native and live in Grove City currently. For over 16 years, I have been helping people feel better about themselves through fitness and dance. I came across Bungee fitness during a girls' trip. It was everything I love to do combined in 1 workout! Fun routines, upbeat music, and challenging moves to get my heart rate up! A wonderful workout like no other. AND- Who doesn't want to fly?! I wanted to share my experience with others, so I did my research and took the leap! I am so excited to bring the first Bungee Fitness studio to Columbus. Can't wait to fly with you!

Owner & Instructor

Flyin’ Freddie

Gym Dog

“If you want to fly, give up everything

that holds you down”